The content of this website is controlled by AM Rejuvenation and is protected by American and international copyright laws.
Content may be downloaded and used for personal use only and may not be reproduced or modified without the permission of AM Rejuvenation. Any use other than personal is not permitted. Trademarks in this website are protected by American Law. Use of such trademarks without the permission of the owners is prohibited.
This site may contain information about medical conditions , techniques, and treatments. Any such information should not be used for diagnostic purposes and should not replace the advice of a physician. Any techniques mentioned on this site are intended as educational tools to assist a properly licensed medical professional in the usage of AM Rejuvenation products and should not replace professional judgment as to product usage and technique.
Prior to use of AM Rejuvenation products, professionals should consult the product’s instructions for Use and rely on their own training and experience.
AM Rejuvenation makes reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this website. However, it makes no assurances or guaranties as to the accuracy of any information provided. In no way shall AM Rejuvenation be liable for any damage or injury arising from reliance on the information contained in this website.
This site may occasionally contain links to other websites. AM Rejuvenation shall in no way be liable for any damage or injury arising from reliance on the information contained in such websites.
Any information transmitted by users via this site is governed by our Privacy Policy. By using this website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
This Legal Notice was last updated January 2017.